(1) History. Metal starting grates were first used at the 2013 Monster Energy Cup. At that time, the Monster Cup was in its third year, and the dynamics of this non-points-paying, offseason race made it the perfect venue to try out new things. The metal starting grates were used at the Monster Cup until its final year in 2019. The MXGP World Championship adopted metal grates for its 2017 season, and the AMA Supercross series joined the bandwagon in 2018. 

(2) Newest addition. In 2023, the AMA National Motocross series began using metal starting grates. Similar to Supercross, MX Sports transports the grates to each venue and sets them on the ground the day before the race; however, they aren’t using the exact same grates that Supercross uses. The Supercross setup uses rectangular grates that are connected, spanning across the 22-man starting line in a uniform fashion. The National motocross setup uses 40 individual grates, which are skinnier, not connected to each other and easier to transport. Each grate is secured to the ground with heavy metal stakes. 

(3) Equality. Qualifying is now slightly less important because each gate has identical traction, and the ruts in front of the gate aren’t dug as deep, either. This makes gate pick more about the gate’s position in relationship to the first turn than about the condition of the rut behind the gate where the wheels sit. 

(4) Mapping. Launch Control was created to limit wheelspin and wheelies coming off the line. Now, with incredible traction, wheelspin isn’t a problem, and, in motocross, the start is ripped so deep that wheelies aren’t such a problem, either. Start devices, which used to be 130mm, are now positioned 165mm down because riders don’t have to worry about losing traction at the rear wheel. Engine tuners can also put more power into the mapping because the engines are under such an intense load from the get-go. 

(5) Requests. The factory teams reportedly requested that the metal grates used in Supercross be used in the Nationals. The teams claimed they spend exorbitant amounts of time, energy and money developing special ECU mapping for the metal grate starts, and they didn’t want to throw all their data out the window when the AMA National series started. That claim seems a little far-fetched, given that each team has a full-time electronics technician whose job it is to change maps after practice and before motos. It was also noted that the Motocross des Nations uses metal start grates, so Team USA would have a better shot of getting good starts if they were using metal grates year-round. 

Without any ruts behind the starting gate and 100% traction, everybody gets off the line at the same time. There is no separation. There are critics who claim that the metal grates are a reason why the 2023-2024 Pro race had so many first turn crashes.

(6) Gate prep. No longer will you see Pro riders or mechanics packing their own gates. Now, all they have to do is sweep the dirt off the grid. On one hand, the new grates make things easier for the riders and mechanics, but on the other hand the mechanics no longer get to enjoy the satisfaction of packing a holeshot-worthy gate for their riders. Many mechanics actually miss dirt starts. 

(7) Techniques. With metal grates, holeshot devices, traction control and special grate maps, the skills that used to be required to get a good start on dirt are now irrelevant, which doesn’t sit well with every motocross fan; however, metal grates do require a new skill set. For example, rpm and body position can stay the same for the initial jump out of the gate, but the conditions of the dirt after the gate can vary, which requires some finesse from the rider. 

(8) Starting blocks. Surprisingly, starting blocks are more popular nowadays with metal grates. Even taller riders who never used them on dirt starts are using blocks. Why? They help the riders get their feet on the pegs quicker.

(9) Cleanliness. One benefit of metal starting grids in Supercross is that the riders have less roost coming off their rear wheel at the start, which gives the track builders more options for positioning the starting line, with fewer concerns about roost ending up in the stands. For similar reasons, concrete starts were used on many National tracks a decade ago (at the request of the AMA), who then changed their minds and made the National tracks that put them in take them out. 

(10) Positioning. In Supercross, each gate has an expanded metal pad that is 39 inches wide and 96 inches long; however, riders aren’t allowed to move around at the gate. Their bike has to be placed on the center line and aimed at the rut in front of the gate. Even though the AMA National metal grate is smaller than the Supercross grate, the same rules apply.



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