_BAS6174Sean Collier stretches for all he’s worth on his way to victory. Photo: John Basher

Watching an AMA National on television is nothing like being there in person — and Glen Helen had a lot to offer. Not just the biggest, tallest and roughest hills imaginable, but the smell of two-strokes in the morning! Glen Helen decided to host the FMF Two-Stroke Challenge as the opening moto of the day at the 2015 Glen Helen National. Since the television starting time was pushed back to 2:00 p.m. for the Glen Helen 250/450 National’s first moto, the race program had room for one extra race. Glen Helen elected to add a two-stroke race and make it the first full race of the day’s program.

colliertrophyfasthouseaAt the end of the day, the heavy metal rested on Sean Collier’s KX500. Photo: Brendan Lutes

Glen Helen has always been a big supporter of two-strokes and has had them at the AMA National in the past — not to mention hosting the World Two-Stroke Championships every year since 2010. For the 2015 Glen Helen National, the FMF sponsored two-stroke race slotted in after all of the AMA National qualifying was over and just before the aerobatic show by Doug Jardine and the National Anthem played by “Steely Dan” keyboardist Buster Akrey. Making them the first race of the day, helped fill the gate where the normal start time for the AMA National would have been, plus it gave the two-strokes a chance to race on the smoothest track of the day.

2sdougjardineDoug Jardine thrilled the crowd with his opening ceremonies airshow (just after the Two-Stroke Challenge, but before the sky divers and Steely Dan). Yes, Doug is a motocross racer and has an interesting sponsor on his ailerons.

tracjtwoBig enough for you? To insure that the riders were qualified to race. on the long, fast and steep Glen Helen track, they all had to race the Pro class at the 2015 World Two-Stroke Championship the month before the National. Photo: Mark Chilson

_BAS5870Former National Champion Mike Brown (3), Trevor Stewart (75), Brit Jake Preston (192), Jon Ames (17), Sean Collier (207). Mike Sleeter (111) and Billy Mercier (87) blast off the gate. Photo: John Basher

The big names in the FMF Two-Stroke Challenge were former AMA 125 National Champion, X Games medallist and Endurocross Champion Mike Brown, two-time World Two-Stroke Champion Sean Collier, current 2015 World Two-Stroke Champion Mike Sleeter and Endurocross and trials rider Colton Haaker. They were joined by pros Ryan Surratt and Jon Ames, plus former AMA National riders Billy Mercier, Shawn Wynne, Jon Ortner, Sean Lipanovich and Brian Roth.

_BAS6187Mike Brown has raced AMA Nationals, Supercross, GPs, WORCS, GNCC, Baja and endurocross. Mike was sixth on Saturday. Photo: John Basher

The big money was on Sean Collier, a Kawasaki KX500 specialist who has been invited to join Team USA for the “Vet MXDN” at Farleigh Castle, England, later this year. Collier’s KX500 has been constantly updated over the years and Sean would have won three consecutive World Two-Stroke Championship, but his shock bolt broke at the 2015 round while leading. The next contender was Mike Sleeter, the KTM test rider won the 2015 Two-Stroke Championship in April on a KTM 300SX, and both Collier and Sleeter were racing the FMF Two-Stroke Challenge and the AMA 450 National at Glen Helen on the same day. And no one was counting out Mike Brown. The evergreen Husqvarna racer seem to get younger every year as he splits his time between whatever race he can ride—while racing for the factory Husqvarna offroad team.

_BAS5924Jon Ames was third on his Thousand Oaks YZ250. Photo: John Basher

Obviously, the young kids wanted to beat the grizzled veterans at the front of the pack (all three of whom are Over 30, or soon will be, with Brown into his 40s). Plus for the Loretta Lynn graduates like Jon Ames and Ryan Surratt, who have yet to race an AMA National, the FMF Two-Stroke Challenge was a opportunity to race on a true-to-life AMA National track, in front of a massive crowd, on the same day as the stars they hope to face someday.

sleetertwo2015 World Two-Stroke Champion and KTM test rider Mike Sleeter DNF the race with a knee injury and dropped out. Photo: Mark Chilson

_BAS6330Colton Haaker had a big crash in practice, but got up unscathed. Colton was seventh. Photo: John Basher

As expected Sean Collier rode away from the field. His amazingly smooth style was perfectly suited to the deep loam of the Glen Helen track. Since the big hills had been terraced off with road crossing-style jumps, the premium was on rider skill in negotiating the humps and bumps, not on horsepower. Collier had the advantage of being the smoothest rider on the track…and he just happened to have the most horsepower. Sean simply metered it out in the doses necessary to get the job done.

_BAS6203Sean Lipanovich blasts through last year’s sand section, but this year it wasn’t sand, just a good facsimile of it. Photo: John Basher

What the fans will remember most about the 2015 FMF Two-Stroke Challenge at Glen Helen was the sound of 36 two-strokes singing off the starting line in a staccato that has not been heard on an AMA National track in a few years. It gave the crowd tingles to witness the snappy power and instant acceleration of a two-stroke in comparison to the heavy vibrato to the AMA racer’s thumpers.

_BAS6141Ryan Surratt scrubs the Log Cabin jump on his way to second overall. Photo: John Basher

will simonsfasthouseWilly Simons, Jr. (246) overjumped a jump in practice and hurt his back without crashing — he was looking forward to racing in the arena that his dad raced in. Photo: Brendan Lutes

start12001Sean Collier leads the charge to the first turn. Photo: John Ker

start12002Sean Collier  kept  the lead all the way through the Talladega first turn. That is Trevor Stewart (75), Mike Brown (3) and Ryan Surratt (151) in his wake. Photo: John Ker

jakeprestonghJake Preston flew in from London to the race the Glen Helen Two-Stroke race. He stayed with Dennis Stapleton and borrowed Jody’s KTM 250SX. Note his occupation on his British Airways ticket.

jakeprestontwoJake Preston (192) on his way up the 22-story Mt. Saint Helen climb.Photo: Mark Chilson


Jon Ortner (10) not only raced the FMF Two-Stroke Challenge, but he raced the Amateur race earlier in the weekend and painted the poster for the National. Photo: Mark Chilson


Billy Mercier (501) blew his Yamaha up just before the race, but borrowed a Husqvarna and relived his AMA National past. Billy scored AMA National points at the Glen Helen 250 National in 1993 and 1996. Photo: Mark Chilson

carr1200Carson Carr (153) doubles into the Log Cabin straight. Photo: John Ker

arch12001Sean Lipanovich (505) sails through the arch on his way to fifth overall. Photo: John Ker

tuckersayeTucker Saye’s day at Glen Helen ended when he destroyed both wheels landing from a jump… dare we say, he landed a long way past the jump.

1. Sean Collier…Kaw
2. Ryan Surratt…Yam
3. Jon Ames…Yam
4. Tim Badour…Yam
5. Sean Lipanovich…Yam
6. Mike Brown…Hus
7. Colton Haaker…Hus
8. Jeff Loop…Yam
9. Carson Carr…Yam
10. Jake Preston…KTM
11. Jeremy McCool…Yam
12. Brian Roth…Yam
13. Travis Hoffman…KTM
14. Bryan Brimhall…Yam
15. Billy Lea…Yam
16. Brian Nelson…Yam
17. Casey Casper…Hon
18. Chris See…Hon
19. Jared Minor…Yam
20. Shawn Wynne…TM


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